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- $28.00 USD
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- $28.00 USD
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REFLEXOTHERAPY is one of the most effective non-invasive therapies that helps the body to balance itself and, where appropriate, to heal itself. The reflexogenic endings arranged in the area of the soles by massaging in a certain direction and with a suitable intensity stimulate the body and cause it to reach the optimal state of health.
"Reflexotherapy is an old technique that has close ties to science and is used to diagnose, to cure, and to prevent diseases or conditions that are related to a specific organ of each area that needs to be massaged. This technique is known from Chinese antiquity. and the Egyptian one and consists of a massage performed in different reflexogenic areas such as the palms, soles and head. By massaging these areas, the body removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation and balance. This technique involves massaging the points that have been diagnosed as sensitive with the interphalangeal joints, taking into account the biological echo of a particular organ that is represented. No intermediate objects are used for massaging the reflexogenic points (sticks, wands , pieces of wood).
Through reflexology, the human body is stimulated and can function perfectly depending on the number of sessions depending on the health problems of each person, the way of life or the age of the condition.
Reflexology is known to have several effects on our body:
- nerve stimulation
- crystal dislocation
- the release of hormones from the brain
- stimulation of the circulatory system
- stimulation of the lymphatic system
- psychological influence
- abnormal electric potential"
A very little known part of reflexotherapy is FACIAL REFLEXOTHERAPY .
Our face has many reflexogenic points which, properly stimulated, bring relief to many health problems.
And in this case, the experienced therapist is the best able to establish the personalized scheme.
REFLEXOTHERAPY is the treatment method that brought me the greatest professional satisfaction. At first I was skeptical about reflexology, but when I saw the reaction of the patients and the results that appeared after a few sessions, I decided to improve my treatment method.
The REFLEXOTHERAPY that I currently practice is a much improved method, so that from the first session the patient notices a clear difference in terms of well-being. The spiritual reward I get when the patient leaves the office with a smiling face far exceeds any material reward, therefore do not hesitate to contact me whenever you need information or treatment.
I recommend REFLEXOTHERAPY first of all to healthy people, because having clean reflexogenic areas, health problems are kept at a distance. For more details, you can contact me.