Socks with bamboo and tourmaline (black)
- Regular price
- $8.00 USD
- Sale price
- $8.00 USD
- Regular price
SKU: C02
Socks with tourmaline reduce the unpleasant smell of leg sweat, eliminate itching at this level, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce edema (swelling) of the legs, improve blood microcirculation through the capillaries at this level, thus increasing cellular oxygenation. Socks with tourmaline restore and nourish the human biofield, reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic field influences. Simultaneous exposure to several beneficial active principles of tourmaline socks (long-wave infrared rays, negative ions, microcurrents, micromagnetic fields) provides long-term conditions for recovery and regeneration, increases resistance, de-stresses, improves sleep, eliminates muscle tension. And all this without being connected to a classic energy source, similar to a solar battery. A period of 3 hours of sun exposure is sufficient for 7-10 days of product operation.
Tourmaline socks help to:
- removes the feeling of cold;
- eliminates excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odors;
- eliminates leg and ankle edema;
- static foot massage;
- regulates local blood circulation;
- perfect for legs with varicose veins and venous circulatory disorders, as well as in renal failure;
- in case of frostbite;
- stimulation of acupressure points;
- eliminates skin itching, helps eliminate eczema, mycoses;
- removes pain, numbness from the legs, to protect the legs during a long walk;
- produces foot massage to stimulate a good sleep.
Prolonged soaking in water is prohibited! It is recommended to hand wash in clean water for up to 5 min., at a water temperature of up to 40 C.
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